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Showing posts from July, 2012

A single node Hadoop + Cassandra + Pig setup

UP1: Our book High Performace in-memory computing with Apache Ignite has been released. The book briefly described how to improved performance in existing legacy Hadoop cluster with Apache Ignite. In our current project, we have decided to store all operational logs into NoSQL DB. It's total volume about 97 TB per year. Cassandra was our main candidate to use as NoSQL DB. But we also have to analysis and monitor our data, where comes Hadoop and Pig to help. Within 2 days our team able to developed simple pilot projects to demonstrate all the power of Hadoop + Cassandra and Pig. For the pilot project we used DataStax Enterprise edition. Seems this out of box product help us to quick install Hadoop, Cassandra stack and developed our pilot project. Here we made a decision to setup Hadoop, Cassandra, and Pig by our self. It's my first attempt to install Cassandra over Hadoop and Pig. Seems all these above products already running already a few years, but I haven't found ...