After the Javaone conference in Moscow, i have found some free hours to play with Sonar. Here is a quick steps to start analyzing with ANT projects. Sonar provides Analyze with ANT document to play around with ANT, i have just modify some parts.
Here is it.
1) Download the Sonar Ant Task and put it in your ${ANT_HOME}/lib directory
2) Modify your ANT build.xml as follows:
Here is it.
1) Download the Sonar Ant Task and put it in your ${ANT_HOME}/lib directory
2) Modify your ANT build.xml as follows:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1251'?> <project name="abc" default="build" basedir="."> <!-- Define the Sonar task if this hasn't been done in a common script --> <taskdef uri="antlib:org.sonar.ant" resource="org/sonar/ant/antlib.xml"> <classpath path="E:\java\ant\1.8\apache-ant-1.8.0\lib" /> </taskdef> <!-- Out-of-the-box those parameters are optional --> <property name="sonar.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@xyz/" /> <property name="sonar.jdbc.driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" /> <property name="sonar.jdbc.username" value="sonar" /> <property name="sonar.jdbc.password" value="sonar" /> <!-- Additional Sonar configuration (PMD need 1.5 when using annotations)--> <property name="" value="1.5"/> <property name="" value="1.5"/> <!-- SERVER ON A REMOTE HOST --> <property name="" value="" /> <property name="ear.file" value="konfiskat.ear"/> <property file=""/> <property name="build.dir" value="build"/> <property name="classes.dir" value="${build.dir}/classes"/> <property name="classes2.dir" value="classes"/> <property name="deploy.dir" value="deploy"/> <property name="doc.dir" value="docs"/> <property name="jar.dir" value="${build.dir}/jar"/> <property name="lib.dir.1" value="lib"/> <property name="lib.dir.2" value="${lib.common.dir}"/> <property name="lib.dir.3" value="common_lib"/> <property name="lib.dir.4" value="${jdev.libs.dir}"/> <property name="src.dir" value="src"/> <property name="config.dir" value="${src.dir}/META-INF"/> <property name="temp.dir" value="${src.dir}/temp"/> <path id="classpath"> <fileset dir="${lib.dir.3}" includes="**/*.jar"/> <fileset dir="${lib.dir.2}" includes="**/, **/jboss-j2ee.jar"/> <fileset dir="${lib.dir.4}" includes="**/*.jar"/> </path> <path id="srcpath"> <pathelement location="${src.dir}"/> </path> <!-- Add the target --> <target name="sonar"> <!-- The workDir directory is used by Sonar to store temporary files --> <sonar:sonar workDir="${temp.dir}" key="org.example:example" version="0.1-SNAPSHOT" xmlns:sonar="antlib:org.sonar.ant"> <!-- source directories (required) --> <sources> <path location="${src.dir}" /> </sources> <!-- binaries directories, which contain for example the compiled Java bytecode (optional) --> <binaries> <path location="${classes.dir}" /> </binaries> <!-- path to libraries (optional). These libraries are for example used by the Java Findbugs plugin --> <libraries> <path refid="classpath"/> </libraries> </sonar:sonar> </target> <target name="clean"> </target> <target name="init" depends="clean"/> <target name="compile" depends="init"> <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/> <javac destdir="${classes.dir}" classpathref="classpath" debug="on"> <src refid="srcpath"/> </javac> </target> <target name="doc" depends="compile"> </target> <target name="build" depends="doc"> <mkdir dir="${jar.dir}"/> <jar destfile="${jar.dir}/toOAS.jar"> <manifest> <attribute name="Class-Path" value=" xercesImpl.jar"/> </manifest> <metainf dir="${config.dir}"> <include name="ejb-jar.xml"/> <include name="orion-ejb-jar.xml"/> </metainf> <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"> <include name="**/*.*"/> </fileset> <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> <include name="*.properties"/> </fileset> </jar> <mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}"/> <echo file="${jar.dir}/application.xml"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <application> <display-name>ReadMQ</display-name> <module> <ejb>toOAS.jar</ejb> </module> </application>]]> </echo> <ear destfile="${deploy.dir}/${ear.file}" appxml="${jar.dir}/application.xml"> <fileset dir="${jar.dir}" includes="*.jar"/> <fileset dir="${lib.dir.2}"> <include name=""/> <include name="xercesImpl.jar"/> </fileset> </ear> </target> <target name="all" depends="build"/> </project>