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Showing posts from January, 2009

Simplify developying decision services in Ilog jrules

Ilog Jrules define decision service as a ordinary web service with management capabilities using JMX MBeans. Through protocol SOAP, it's easy to invoke business rules rather than any other protocol like rmi. More information about decision services should find here. From the view of ilog jrules, there are two types of decision services: 1) Hosted transparent decision services 2) Monitored transparent decision services All of them drives rule execution and enables users to access Rule Execution Server through a Web service, rather than accessing it directly. Hosted transparent decision services: Using a hosted transparent decision service, Rule Execution Server automatically exposes any deployed rule set as web services, that uses an XML schema or a Java XOM with simple types. The decision service automatically generates Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for each deployed ruleset archive and the decision service MBean is able to retrieve execution statistics. These rule...

Best practice for writing effective business rules on Ilog Jrules

Documentation which supplied with Ilog Jrules is very much helpfull to write business rules. However, to write better business rules on Ilog Jrules, we might follow some best practice, which will help us to write and manage our rules. In the current post i would like to share my experince with Ilog Jrules as a best practice guide: 1) Follow java naming conventions when creating java class which will converted to BOM. Best approach will be create class with all its functionality. 2) Use rule packages, because on ruleflow you can use rule packages to contol running business rules effectively. However by default all rules under one package will run, you can use dynamic rule selection to select and run any particular business rules. 3) Use ruleflow task to initialize any global variables, it's not good idea to auto generate variable for any bom. 4) Also it's very usefull to use task for rule packages to intialize bom which will prticipate in the current package. 5) In many ca...

What will be the future of Oracle SOA suite?

Already last year company oracle defined thier fusion middleware strategy. You can find the webcast from here. Now at the moment in fusion middleware we got products as BPM suite and BPA suite. BPM suite consists former Aqualogic products for BPM. BPM suite contains following products: * Oracle BPM * Oracle BPEL Process Manager * Oracle Business Activity Monitoring * Oracle Business Rules * Oracle WebCenter Suite Now we have two BPEL process manager product in two different suite such as SOA suite and BPM suite. From the documentation of BPM suite, seems it's a good road map to create model business process -> xpdl -> BPEL process. What we will do with our favorite SOA suite?

Complete installation of Ilog Jrules on Oracle application server

With Ilog Jrules default distribution, Jboss application sever is default. But customers might choose any application server to use Jrules. In these circumstances, customers should deploy all the necessary components manually. The task is not so straight forward because Jrules consists of a few independent web components. In the following i will describe briefly how to install Ilog Jrules in OAS Jrules consists of following three main web components: 1) RES 2) TEAM SERVER 3) SCENARIO MANAGER We follow step by step to install and deploy all the components in the OAS. 1) Install RES: 1.1) First we should create data base user and schema in Oracle DB for component Res. 1.2) Run the script in sqlplus or any other oracle sql client to create new data base objects from the following place <ILOG_HOME>\JRules672\executionserver\databases\oracle\schema_oracle.sql 1.3)Create a new oc4j instance in the OAS named Ilog_bres 1.4)Create new connection pool and data sourc...

Apply Business Rules engine to Message Broking in Oracle Service Bus

Material of this post was published on oracle magazine (russian edition), see the following link to read the article . From the last few weeks i am working with Oracle OSB. In this post i want to share my some experince to apply Business rules engine to message broking in OSB. The full article has been written in Russian language for Oracle Magazine and will add the link soon after publish. From the few years we have been familliar with Business rules and java rules engine API(JSR-94) and successfully usees business rules on many project. From the view of OSB - sometimes it's very important to separate the business logic or policy implementions from the OSB proxy service. In any corporate business logic or business policy could change often, specially in tele-communication sector and stock exchanges. This post is not to discuss about when and why to use Business rules engine rather than how to use it with OSB to implement and separate business policy for message broking. Here i...

Configure Oracle Coherence as a second level(L2) cache

It's republish of my blog from another domain. The post was published at May 13 2008. A few weeks before Oracle corporation bought company tangosol, which have a caching framework for enterprise application. Coherence might be used as a second level cache or as Cache store in any enterprise solution. How to use coherence as a Cache store would be found in the following URL: . In the current blog we will configure a coherence L2 cache using Hibernate (Hibernate - a well known ORM framework). First, download oracle Coherence from the following URL Using Coherence as L2 cache we only need 3 libraries out of others: coherence.jar, coherence-hibernate.jar, tangosol.jar. Install them in local maven2 repositories. Now we have to configure hibernate.cfg.xml which should be in application classPath as follows: By default Coherence will use c...

My first glance to Oracle Service Bus and compare with it Oracle SOA suite ESB

Recently Oracle gave access to download their new product Oracle ESB (formally known Aqua Logic ESB). Last year one of my project was related with SOA suite ESB. However, there were a few bugs with it, but we completed our project successfully with satisfaction. When the times came to use Oracle OSB, i wondered with his functionality, a lot of Nodes and Actions pleased me well. At first it seems to be on workspace of BPEL but it's only for using on ESB. All these nodes made easy of ESB development. See the design template at a glance However i have also found a cons in OSB is that, it haven't contains any built in JCA compatible adapter to connect with another resource. Throw proxy service OSB can use any type of protocol include FTP, SMTP, TUX. OSB defines these type of services SOAP without WSDL and XML without WSDL service. Take a look at the built in adapters in SOA suite ESB. However, OSB hasn't contain any adapter, through proxy service OSB can integrate with any kind...

Using JPA with ilog Jrules project

Last couple of months i have worked with Ilog Jrules. These BRMS has lot of functionality to use business rules effectively in any project. Sometimes it's very usefull to get some additional meta data from database to execute business rules. In Ilog jrules documentation is not so useful to know how to use JPA, however in documentation you should found a few information with bunch of code. This post will explain how to use JPA in ilog jrules project and save a couple of hours for new comm er in BRMS. At first in jrules we have to build XOM(Execution object model), which will execute all the business logic. After that we define BOM (Business object model) from XOM to write business logic's in project. For using JPA we will make a class which will get all the CRUD operations and delegate every thing to the DAO layer. Class diagram is as follows: Here implemention of the IDAOService interface is a basic implemention of the DAO pattern and initialize session manager to manage all th...

Configure POM to build maven project in continuum

If you are using SVN for version control with username password credential, it is not srtaigh forward to add new project with multiple modules. Server continuum couldnot save the user name and password defined on the add project forms. These bug only occured when using SVN as version control, with CVS these bugs not found yet. With minimum change on pom.xml of multiple module could resolve these problem. Just define username and password in the pom.xml for authentification. I define a pom.xml as follows to show the configuration. Now continuum will add project sucessfully, even you could use following commands from your terminal: mvn scm:update mvn scm:validate Following link show all avaliable scm commands: maven scm commands But these way we have also a cons here, everybody from your developer group of these project will know your username and password. Anyway, we could use single number of user credential to build project on the Continumm server. Continuum project build not...