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Showing posts from July, 2010

Writing weblogic logs to database table

By default, oracle weblogic server logging service uses an implementation, based on the Java Logging APIs by using the LogMBean.isLog4jLoggingEnabled attribute. With a few effort you can use log4j with weblogic logging service. In the Administration Console, you can specify Log4j or keep the default Java Logging implementation. In this blog i will describe how to configure log4j with weblogic logging service and writes all the logs messages to database table. Most of all cases it's sufficient to writes log on files, however it's better to get all the logs on table to query on it. In our case we have 3 different web logic servers in our project and our consumer need to get all the logs in one central place to diagnose if something goes wrong. First of all we will create a simple table on our oracle database schema and next configure all other parts. Here we go: 1) CREATE TABLE LOGS (USER_ID VARCHAR2(20), DOMAIN varchar2(50), DATED DATE NOT NULL, LOGGER VARCHAR2(500) NOT...

Configure apache CXF project to deploy on Weblogic server

Last week we have migrated our one of web service project on apache CXF. Apache CXF provides simplified security package to authentication and authorization for web services. As usual we decided to use Weblogic as our favorite application server to deploy and run migrated service. This blog post is consist of a few tips to configure properly Apache CXF project to deploy on Weblogic server. Most of all tips i have got from the following link JAX-WS, CXF and SAAJ on Oracle Weblogic 10.3 , but it was not sufficient to deploy successfully, a few additional task needed to deploy Apcahe CXF on Weblogic. This current post is all about this tips. First of all we must configure and prepare Apache CXF project to deploy. 1) Add the following fragment of xml configuration to you weblogic.xml <container-descriptor> <prefer-web-inf-classes>true</prefer-web-inf-classes> </container-descriptor> which will force weblogic to use library from WEB-INF/lib. By default Apache CX...