Apache pig provides a platform for analyzing very large data set. With apache pig you can easily analyze your data from Cassandra. Apache pig compiles instruction to sequences of Map-Reduce programs which will run on Hadoop cluster. Cassandra source provides a simple pig script to run pig with Cassandra data. Cassandra also provides CassandraStorage class which will load and store data from Cassandra DB, this class will no built in support for storing data with TTL (time to live). In many cases you have to update a few columns or rows with ttl to delete later automatically from DB. For that, i have patched the CassandraStorage class and add the similar functionality. Here is the patch Index: src/main/java/ru/atc/smev/cassandra/storage/CassandraStorage.java IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== --- src/main/java/ru/atc/smev/cassandra/storage/CassandraStorage.ja...
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