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Showing posts from May, 2015

Microservices – under the hood

Last couple of months, most of the conferences and seminar discussing and debuting about the new architecture design named microservice. From the first glance micro service means, developing independent small service which will be high cohesive in functionality and could be changed rapidly. Some of the IT evangelist already starts debating, why micro service is a buzzword. From my point of view word microservice misleading itself. Design model under this concept is as follows: 1. Service should be loosely coupled. 2. High cohesion in functionality. 3. Service should be change with minimal effect on other services. 4. Automated in deployments. 5. Scaling out easily. 6. Can be use polyglot programming language and polyglot persistence store. Most of these requirements are nothing new at all. Developers or IT Architect who already familiar with SOA already know all these above concept very well. From my point of view, we have to clear following three things to giving start coding o...

World IT Planet Conference in Saint Petersburg

Yesterday i visited Saint Petersburg university after a long period of time as a speaker. Conference held already a weeks and students came here from all over the country and out side of Russia. Audiences was very nice and ask a lot of technical question mostly about Cassandra and we are utilising it in our projects. Community was very curious about NoSQL and wanted find all the answer of their questions about the new trend. Here is the presentation from slide share net. NoSQL - World IT Planet, Saint Petersburg 2015 from Shamim bhuiyan

Presentation for tuning and optimising high load J2EE web application

UP1: If you are interested in in-memory computing for getting High Performance from your system, we recommended you the book " High performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite ". Today i have provide new presentation for tuning and optimising high load j2EE web application based on developing sberbank portal. Presentation is available here in slide share. Tuning HighLoad J2EE web application from Shamim bhuiyan