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Showing posts from 2008

Using ws-jmx-connector for cross platform agent to interoperate with JMX Agent

Now a connecter named ws-jmx-connector has realesed to use for calling JMX agent. This connector uses soap call to connect with JMX agent. See the project link for more information. I have download the realease and install. Tried samples delivered with artifact and wondered. it's simple implements of JSR 262. If you have all ready wiseman worked - this connector will help you to make your development easy. I have used jax-ws library delivered with wiseman and wise library to compile and run the samples. Some additional information will be very usefull to run samples under 64bit version of java. I tried java 1.5_014 64 bit version on fedora and got following class not found exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/ws/developer/MemberSubmissionAddressing$Validation Download and install JAX-WS RI 2.1.5 which contains the right library jaxws-rt.jar to run all the samples under 64 bit version of JVM. In the holyday i will make a try to use this connector in our projects. ...

New SOA certification announced from Oracle Corporation

Yesterday Oracle announced new certification on Oracle SOA architecture. Test code is 1Z0-114, cost Only $125. I created a yahoo groups named oraclesoa 1Z0-114 to discuss about the certification. Everybody welcome on group. Here is the link of the group. Follow the following links to meet with exam topics and much more. Click here. Some new files were recently added on group, specially a few exam dumps to get prepare for the exam. However the new exam migrated from old bea SOA architect exam and recommended read study guide or get training from oracle university. Overview of the training guide "SOA Architectural Concepts and Design Principles" already uploaded on the groups file system. Code for the training is D70926GC10 from company BEA, training guide (powerpoint presentation about 823 pages) contains most of all exam topic. Another training guide named "Organization, Planning, and Architectural Considerations for SOA" code:D70924GC10 also recommended from oracl...

Configure Ilog Jrules In Oracle Application Server

Last week we configured Ilog jrules version 6.7.2 in the OAS version Ilog Jrules consist of three main web components as follows: 1)Rules execution server 2)Team server 3)Scenario manager First we had to define the number of oc4j instance to create and fix all the data sources. We created 1 extra oc4j instance for team server, create datasources and deploy the teamserver. One classloader problem occurred for commons-logging.jar. Just edit application.xml to unregistered shared library. Next we defined another two data source for the BRES, SCM and deploy these application on home. IrlSessionRule session bean we also deployed in home along with BRES. Next we have to define all the role and user on home instance and on the instance for the teamserver. Just never forget to assign rmi role in the user bres. Next our mission to use identity management for authorization and authentication. We also plan to clustered all the oc4j instance to solve load balancing.