Now a connecter named ws-jmx-connector has realesed to use for calling JMX agent. This connector uses soap call to connect with JMX agent. See the project link for more information. I have download the realease and install. Tried samples delivered with artifact and wondered. it's simple implements of JSR 262. If you have all ready wiseman worked - this connector will help you to make your development easy. I have used jax-ws library delivered with wiseman and wise library to compile and run the samples. Some additional information will be very usefull to run samples under 64bit version of java. I tried java 1.5_014 64 bit version on fedora and got following class not found exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/xml/ws/developer/MemberSubmissionAddressing$Validation Download and install JAX-WS RI 2.1.5 which contains the right library jaxws-rt.jar to run all the samples under 64 bit version of JVM. In the holyday i will make a try to use this connector in our projects. ...
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