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Showing posts from February, 2009

Correct dependency configuration for maven-weblogic-plugin to deploy in Weblogic server

Mojo weblogic plugin version 2.9.0 is not stable for Weblogic server Configuration which suggest on the mojo documentation is not working for current Weblogic server version and produce some hopeless error. Seems installed weblogic.jar and webservices.jar on local repository is not using properly on plug ins life cycle. However it's easy to fix the error through system scope dependency which i will demonstrate below: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>ru.fors.test.gwt.core</groupId> <artifactId>core-web</artifactId> <packaging>war</packaging> <version>1.0</version> <name>core-web</name> <url></url> <parent> <groupId...

Oracle develop roadshow in Moscow, 4-5 th february

Last week Oracle corporation demonstrated their roadshow in Moscow. The roadshow started with the sparkling presentation of Larry Cable. Within an hour he could manage to demonstrate the Oracle Big Fussion middleware, focused on Oracle WebLogic Server and related (Java based) standards technologies. It was very interesting to listen JAVA/RICH ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS TRACK and enjoy the ability of Oracle JDeveloper. I always against Oracle strategy to make JDeveloper as a main IDE to develop all the java related technology on Oracle platform, because it's seems all the eggs in one basket. But while Larry go through all the the ADF rich client with some mouse click, i started believe that may be JDeveloper already got maturity to use seriously. There were three main Track: DataBase Track and hands on lab; Java/Rich enterprise Application track and hands on lab; Service oriented architecture track and hands on lab. I was very interested on SOA track, specially on BEA products. This tr...

Wrapping business rules rmi clients with JAX-WS

Most often after deploying new business rules in BRES, we have to redeploy IlrSession beans with our custom beans(XOM). Also developing new client for the business rules is time consuming work. Bres(Business rules execution server) provide rmi protocol and some web service support(Decision service) to invoke rules in bres. Deployed rules will be exposed only when you add your domain class(XOM) in the jrules-bres-ootbds.ear and redeploy it again in application server. All the life cycle is too time consuming to manage the whole project. However, often business analyst (Most of time, project mangers require such thing to fulfill customers demand) requires expose business rules through web service for solving business requirement with customer. In today's post i will show a agile way to expose business rules through web service and run it into jdk 6 embedded http server. We have one web service with a few methods, every method expose one business rules as a web method. For developing...

Agile development of apache tucsany SCA with Ilog jrules decision services

Apache tucsany provides a framework for developing SOA solution that is based on Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard. Tucsany offers following advantages: 1) Provides a model for creating composite applications by defining the services in the fabric and their relationships with one another. 2) Enables service developers to create reusable services that only contain business logic. 3) Existing applications can work with new SCA compositions. This allows for incremental growth towards a more flexible architecture, outsourcing or providing services to others. Tucsany implemented in java and c++ programming language. For more information visit apache tucsany site . In the growing uses of business rules in SOA, on the current post i decide to make a laboratory work to show how to use business rules in SCA SOA solution. For more information to get benifit from business rules please consider my some previous post about Ilog business rules. On the current tutorial we are goin...