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Microservices - tools and implementations

UP1: If you are planning to migrate to Microservice, we recommend you to read the book "High performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite".

One of the challenging thing in Microservices world is not the implementation of the services, rather it's monitoring and the management. In the time of writing the blog, we have a few frameworks and tools to implements microservices such as Dropwizard, Spring boot and vertx. Complexity grows when you have a lot of independent micro services deployed and running over cloud infrastructure. It really a pain full task to monitor and manage all the services through 24*7. However Ansible, puppet, docker and logstash tools can help you to build such a management platform for micro services but they are not always sufficient. To solve the above described problem Jboss project release such a management tool for micro services named fabric8. Fabric8 provides following possibilities such as management, continuous delivery and simple integration platform based on Apache Camel project. This open source project based on google kubernetes and openshiftV3. Every application deployed in fabric8 is independent and running in separate java container, which you can stop, start or restart. Any moment you can increase or decrease the number of instance of any application in fabric8 with a single mouse click. In this blog i am going to quick start with fabric8, install and run in a single machine and will try to deploy one simple application from it's quick start example.
For installation of fabric8 you can follow the getting started guide, i have choose the Vagrant way. If you already familiar with Vagrant and docker then installation process will be easy for you. If everything goes fine with your installation you should have the following page.
Now you can play with some of the pre installed application, for example quickstart-rest. If any of them is not running, you can check application logs. If you will got following errors in web console or in any application log: no such host
add the following name server in you /etc/resolv.conf file and restart the docker instance
sudo systemctl restart docker
Now we can clone the quick start project from the git hub and try to deploy any of the example.
The example is well documented but for the first time it may not works.
Build the docker image
mvn package docker:build
if you will get error something like these no such host, you should add the following IP address in you /etc/hosts host machine.
If you are using vagrant image in an single machine, do not need to push the image in the docker hub, rather than you can apply kubernetes configuration to the installed platform.
mvn fabric8:apply
Above command will deploy the given application with meta data to local fabric8.
Now you can increase the instance of the application by clicking the pod column and try to invoke the servlet by the following URL:
the result should be as follows:
From here you can develop your application with maven archetypes provides by fabric8 team and enjoy your micro services.


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