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Showing posts from 2016

Apache Ignite with JPA : A missing element

A new version of using Hibernate OGM described in the  The Apache Ignite book . If it got you interested, check out the rest of the book for more helpful information. Often the first step to developing an Enterprise information system is creating the domain model, that is, listing the entities in the domain and defining the relationships between them. A domain model is a conceptual image of the problem your system is trying to solve. Domain model elements can be linked by relationships. Usually, relational objects are represented in a tabular format, while application object model are represented in an interconnected graph of the object format. While storing and retrieving an object model from the relational database, a few mismatch occurs such as Granularity, SubTypes etc. To solve the mismatches between relational and object model, JPA provides a collection of APIs and methods to manipulates with the persistence store. The JPA specification only defines relational database a...

Black Friday discount on High performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite

Black Friday discount on High-performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite. 40% discount

Tip: SQL client for Apache Ignite cache

A new SQL client configuration described in  The Apache Ignite book . If it got you interested, check out the rest of the book for more helpful information. Apache Ignite provides SQL queries execution on the caches, SQL syntax is an ANSI-99 compliant. Therefore, you can execute SQL queries against any caches from any SQL client which supports JDBC thin client. This section is for those, who feels comfortable with SQL rather than execute a bunch of code to retrieve data from the cache. Apache Ignite out of the box shipped with JDBC driver that allows you to connect to Ignite caches and retrieve distributed data from the cache using standard SQL queries. Rest of the section of this chapter will describe how to connect SQL IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to Ignite cache and executes some SQL queries to play with the data. SQL IDE or SQL editor can simplify the development process and allow you to get productive much quicker. Most database vendors have their own fron...

Complex event processing (CEP) with Apache Storm and Apache Ignite

In this article, author of the book "High Performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite" , will discuss the complex event processing with Apache Strom and the Apache Ignite. Part of this article taken from the complex event processing chapter of the book . There is no broadly or highly accepted definition of the term Complex Event Processing or CEP. What Complex Event Processing is may be briefly described as the following quote from the Wikipedia: "Complex Event Processing, or CEP, is primarily an event processing concept that deals with the task of processing multiple events with the goal of identifying the meaningful events within the event cloud. CEP employs techniques such as detection of complex patterns of many events, event correlation and abstraction, event hierarchies, and relationships between events such as causality, membership, and timing, and event-driven processes." For simplicity, Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a technology for low-laten...

Book: High performance in-memory computing with apache Ignite

Being author is fun, my first book is going to be published in the end of this year. For now, a sample chapter is available for download .

Pitfalls of the MyBatis Caches with Apache Ignite

UPD1: This blog has been published in Java Dzone UPD2: This blog also published in Habrahabr for Russian reader UPD3: See also the sample chapter of the book "High performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite" here . A week ago, MyBatis and Apache ignite announced of support apache ignite as a MyBatis cache (L2 cache). technically MyBatis support two levels of Caches: Local cache, which is always enable by default L2 cache, optional As Apache Ignite project is fast growing with it's various functionality, in this blog post we are going to examine the MyBatis support in some details. The second level cache stores the entity data, but NOT the entities or objects themselves. The data is stored in a 'serialised' format which looks like a hash map where the key is the entity Id, and the value is a list of primitive value...

Quick start with In memory Data Grid, Apache Ignite

UP1: For complete quick start guide, see also the sample chapter of the book "High performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite" here . Even you can find the sample examples from the GitHub repository . IMDG or In memory data grid is not an in-memory relational database, an NoSQL database or a relational database. It is a different breed of software datastore. The data model is distributed across many servers in a single location or across multiple locations. This distribution is known as a data fabric. This distributed model is known as a ‘shared nothing’ architecture. IMDG has following characteristics: All servers can be active in each site. All data is stored in the RAM of the servers. Servers can be added or removed non-disruptively, to increase the amount of RAM available. The data model is non-relational and is object-based.  Distributed applications written on the platform independent language. The data fabric is resilient, allowing non-disruptive au...

Benchmarking high performance java collection framework

I am an ultimate fan of java high performance framework or library. Java native collection framework always works with primitive wrapper class such as Integer, Float e.t.c. Boxing and unboxing of wrapper class to primitive data type always decrease the java execution performance. Most of us, always looking for such a library or framework to works with primitive data type in collections for increasing performance of Java application. Most of the time i uses javolution framework to get better performance, however, this holiday i have read about a few new java collections frameworks and decided to do some homework benchmarking to find out, how much they could better than Java native collection framework. I have examine two new java collection framework, one of them are fastutil and another one are HPPC. For benchmarking i have used java JMH with mode Throughput. For benchmarking i took similar collection for java ArrayList, HashSet and HasMap from two above described frameworks. Col...