I am an ultimate fan of java high performance framework or library. Java native collection framework always works with primitive wrapper class such as Integer, Float e.t.c. Boxing and unboxing of wrapper class to primitive data type always decrease the java execution performance. Most of us, always looking for such a library or framework to works with primitive data type in collections for increasing performance of Java application. Most of the time i uses javolution framework to get better performance, however, this holiday i have read about a few new java collections frameworks and decided to do some homework benchmarking to find out, how much they could better than Java native collection framework. I have examine two new java collection framework, one of them are fastutil and another one are HPPC. For benchmarking i have used java JMH with mode Throughput. For benchmarking i took similar collection for java ArrayList, HashSet and HasMap from two above described frameworks. Col...
A journey for designing high-performance software based on NoSQL, BigData and Microservices