The book High Performance in-memory computing with Apache Ignite has been completed and available at LeanPub.
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
- Introduction
- What is Apache Ignite
- Who uses Apache Ignite
- Why Ignite instead of others
- Our Hope
- Chapter one: Installation and the first Ignite application
- Pre-requirities
- Installation
- Run multiple instances of Ignite in a single host
- Configure a multi-node cluster in different host
- Rest client to manipulate with Ignite
- Java client
- SQL client
- Conclusion
- What's Next
- Chapter two: Architecture overview
- Functional overview
- ClusterTopology
- Client and Server
- Embedded with the application
- Server in separate JVM (real cluster topology)
- Client and Server in separate JVM on single host
- Caching Topology
- Partitioned caching topology
- Replicated caching topology
- Local mode
- Caching strategy
- Cache-aside
- Read-through and Write-through
- Write behind
- Data model
- CAP theorem and where does Ignite stand in?
- Clustering
- Cluster group
- Data collocation
- Compute collocation with Data
- ZeroSPOF
- How SQL queries works in Ignite
- Multi-data center replication
- Asynchronous support
- Resilience
- Security
- KeyAPI
- Conclusion
- What's next
- Chapter three: In-memory caching
- Apache Ignite as a 2nd level cache
- MyBatis 2nd level cache
- Hibernate 2nd level cache
- Java method caching
- Web session clustering with Apache Ignite
- Apache Ignite as a big memory, off-heap memory
- Conclusion
- What’s next
- Apache Ignite as a 2nd level cache
- Chapter four: Persistence
- Persistence Ignite’s cache
- Persistence in RDBMS (PostgreSQL)
- Persistence in MongoDB
- Cache queries
- Scan queries
- Text queries
- SQL queries
- Projection and indexing with annotations
- Query API
- Collocated distributed Joins
- Non-collocated distributed joins
- Performance tuning SQL queries
- Apache Ignite with JPA
- Expiration & Eviction of cache entries in Ignite
- Expiration
- Eviction
- Transaction
- Ignite transactions
- Transaction commit protocols
- Optimistic Transactions
- Pessimistic Transactions
- Performance impact on transaction
- Conclusion
- What’s next
- Persistence Ignite’s cache
- Chapter five: Accelerating BigData computing
- Hadoop accelerator
- In-memory Map/Reduce
- Using Apache Pig for data analysis
- Near real-time data analysis with Hive
- Replace HDFS by Ignite In-memory File System (IGFS)
- Hadoop file system cache
- Ignite for Apache Spark
- Apache Spark – an introduction
- IgniteContext
- IgniteRDD
- Conclusion
- What’s next
- Hadoop accelerator
- Chapter six: Streaming and complex event processing
- Introducing data streamer
- StreamReceiver
- StreamVisitor
- IgniteDataStreamer
- Direct Ingestion
- Mediated Ingestion
- Camel data streamer
- Flume streamer
- Storm data streamer
- Conclusion
- What’s next
- Introducing data streamer
- Chapter seven: Distributed computing
- Compute grid
- Distributed Closures
- MapReduce and Fork-join
- Per-Node share state
- Distributed task session
- Fault tolerance & checkpointing
- Collocation of compute and data
- Job scheduling
- Service Grid
- Developing services
- Cluster singleton
- Service management & configuration
- Developing microservices in Ignite
- Compute grid